Weather clock screenshot

The information you need.
On your wall.

Using data from the Forecast API, WeatherClock delivers precise and accurate weather information.

Information pertaining to the present moment is displayed with large text for distance readability.
Photo of old tablet running weather clock

Your Pentium II now has a purpose in life.

Originally created to provide a purpose for an old 90s-era tablet running Windows 98, WeatherClock can run in Internet Explorer 6.

Iterative Design

Using WeatherClock on a regular basis for years has resulted in constant refinements to the design.
Screenshot of version 1
The first version drew inspiration from smartphone weather widgets, displaying the current conditions alongside a 3-day forecast.
Screenshot of version 2 Upon realizing that I never used the 3-day forecast, the second version focused solely on the weather conditions in the present and immediate future.
Screenshot of version 3 The third version marks the switch to the Forecast API, adding an emphasis on the precise data available, such as a textual forecast and hourly rain probability.
Collage of background photos used by weather clock

A new photo each time you look.

Using a set of over 500 original photographs, WeatherClock automatically selects background images based on the current time of day (factoring in sunrise/sunset times) and weather conditions.

Want to try it?

WeatherClock isn't quite ready for public consumption yet, but don't worry, it's coming!